This course will teach you all the basics you need to create delicious healthy salads that will become a staple to your diet plan. Some are fancy and some are great for pre-cooking. If you are into organics and wholefoods, you will find many new favourites in these step-by-step videos that offer you many useful cooking tips.
    9 Lessons - Gluten Free Bread Baking. From the teacher that brought you 'Learn The Pastry Arts Level 1', and 'The World Of Cookies'. --- Build the essential skills you require to create tasty, 'bread', that is year, gluten and wheat free! New or old to the art of the culinary journey, this course is designed for speed and ease. Join us! Have you ever wanted to dive into the art of bread baking? Maybe you are a student or pastry professional who needs access to high quality recipes and videos? Pastry Training Centre - A pastry arts training program, with a timeline that fits your schedule. But what are our students saying? “Just wanted to thank you for the fabulous classes and training of the past few weeks! Thank you for the generosity of your time, the high-quality impeccable ingredients you use, for sharing all of your tools, your incredible knowledge and especially the sharing of your recipes – I will keep them safe and honored. I have not met yet such a generous and fine teacher.” -Caroline Witteveen, Past Student. Videos are all shot with TWO ANGLES in a professional pastry kitchen, learn from the best. All recipes are PDF Downloads, and easy to read and follow. Owner and instructor Chef Marco Ropke is a fourth generation pastry chef from Germany with over twenty five (25) years of international pastry experience. He now brings his knowledge of European, Asian, and North American pastries to an easy to use online school. The pastry training centre reflets Marco's deep passion for his trade and strong teaching ethics. What to expect? Lessons and Knowledge: Hands down the best resource and speedy but extensive knowledge into the basics and fundamentals of the bakery kitchen for gluten free recipes. Video Walk-Throughs: Every single recipes published will have a full video walk-through in 720p HD with TWO CAMERA ANGLES!. We know how important it is to have close-ups of the footage, but also feeling connecting with the teacher. The science behind the art: Learn from Marco Ropke, who not only teaches you the methods and recipes, but also the science behind the art. Understand why things turn out a certain way, and be your own creator and create your own pastry recipes in the future that hold the fundamental basics to success in the kitchen. History & Characteristics: Learn the history of many items you are going to be baking, and the characteristics that define their definition. If you suffer from Celiac disease, or just wish to eat wheat free - this course is great for you. What is yeast? What is Gluten? That's right. Be informed, and know the answers you need to succeed. Lessons Covered? Intro: We start with an intro to gluten, and what you need to understand about the bread baking process. Baking Fundamentals: We go over alternate starches, and ingredients you can use to create a great tasting, gluten free bread. Introduction to yeast: Learn to understand what yeast is, and how it works with bread baking. Recipes are then covered - Gluten Free Bagels, Gluten Free Focaccia, Gluten Free Artisan Trail Bread, Gluten Free Scones, Gluten Free Banana Bread (tasty!), Gluten Free Waffles. We are excited to share these tried tested and true recipes with our fans!
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      Cocktails 101 is a simple audiobook designed to take beginners from having never made a cocktail before to being able to mix and shake like a pro. All the basics are covered, including equipment, glassware, spirit selection, the science of taste, and the cocktails themselves, which means this is a single audiobook suitable for hobbyists or bar owners/managers alike who want to improve their skills and become true mixologists. Listeners will come to grips with the basics first and learn the names and purposes of all the equipment present in a cocktail bar, as well as how to use them. Shaking, breaking, pouring, and mixing are all covered in detail, which means anyone who listens to this audiobook can comfortably and confidently perform the core skills needed in mixology. The science of taste is covered, too, explaining the science behind what makes a great cocktail great and giving a brief overview on the building blocks of cocktails. Recipes for lots of cocktails perfect for any bar are presented in detail, too, with instructions, alongside proposed and recommended lists for new or changing bars that appeal to all tastes and proclivities. This audiobook contains everything a mixologist needs to know before crafting awesome cocktails and is a concise quick-start guide to one of the most exciting skills in the world!
        Hello and welcome to the Vegan Sushi Masterclass! Vegan sushi is absolutely delicious and now you can learn to make it in two hours! This is the only course on Udemy that teaches vegan sushi. Learn to make rolls on a pro level with my easy to follow methods. I will guide you step by step - from zero knowledge to a vegan sushi hero! We're going to learn four types of rolls, four types of nigiri, small sushi balls (temari sushi), and sushi handrolls (temaki) - all the basic types you have to know. I'm going to teach you how to cut all of the ingredients, how to cook the rice, and even how to prepare the sushi mat for rolling. I've successfully taught thousands of students on my offline courses and now you can learn too! Don't just take my word for it, read what my past students said on TripAdvisor about the courses that I run: "The class was fabulous, very detailed with loads of sushi. Michal was absolutely fantastic! Very helpful, went above and beyond for the learners, and he was very friendly" - Jeff (@Jeffreex) "We did the sushi making class with Michal and it was amazing. He was very knowledgable, entertaining, and helpful. We would recommend this class to anyone who loves sushi and fancies doing something a little bit different :). Great value for money as well!" - Egitarre (@Egitarre ) "It was absolutely fantastic! We'd done a class before and made sushi a handful of times but the class really went into depth on how to make different rolls well, beyond just `add rice to nori and leave a gap` like the other class we did. Michal was our teacher and he was an absolute joy, clearly enjoys what he does and makes the whole experience ten times better with his personality!" - Luke (@lukew376)
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          Worried about cooking couscous? Don’t be—it’s easy. If you are new to couscous, we have the tips on how to make perfect couscous every time. Here you will learn how to cook couscous dish very delicious. The Moroccan tagine is a simple dish whose success depends mainly on the method of cooking. “Spicy, fragrant and sweet, the perfect beef tagine doesn't need special equipment, just time. ” Here You'll learn how to cook tagine dish very delicious. Harira is a soup Made with chickpeas and lentils and tomatoes. This delicious and wholesome Moroccan Harira soup is full of protein and has a comforting, homely taste that fills you up immediately after a day of fasting. However, it is also the perfect way to start the day throughout the year, particularly in cold or rainy weather. Here you’ll learn how you can cook Hrira very delicious. Msemen is a square, crispy Moroccan flatbread made with layers of folded, paper-thin semolina dough and delicious butter. Some people eat it with soft cheese, jam, or dipped in olive oil, but Moroccan Msemen needs no accompaniment. Here you'll learn how you can Prepare Mseman. Zaalouk is vegetarian and light. The recipe is very easy to make and should not take a long time to prepare. Simply follow these steps: Here you’ll learn how to cook aza3louk. Green tea with mint and sugar. All around the world Moroccan mint tea is probably the most famous emblem of Morocco. Everyone knows about it and loves it, but making it remains a mystery. Here you will learn how you can Prepare Green tea with mint.
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            In the long history river of human being, each civilization is a star shining in the galaxy, among which, tea culture is one of the brightest stars, guides our life, thoughts, behaviors,even decides the economy and future of a country. And this star belongs to the whole world, either near or far. From today on, we will observe this superstar closely, decompose it, analyze it, understand it and appreciate it in scientific methods and aesthetic altitude. 在人类悠久的历史长河中,每一种文明正如银河系的星星,在黑夜中闪闪发光。而茶文化,是其中最亮的一颗星星之一,照亮我们的生活,引导我们的思维,修养我们的行为,甚至是决定着一个国家的经济和命运。从今天开始,我们将用科学的方法,美学的态度,近距离观察这一刻耀眼的星星,通过正确解读,理性分析,客观理解,从而学会唯心地欣赏。 Chinese Tea Art Micro-course has 15 chapters, 100 lessons, each lesson is around 5 minutes long. The series contains six basic types of tea, which are green tea, yellow tea, white tea, oolong tea, black tea, and dark tea. Of course, we are here in Yunnan, the hometown or pu-erh tea, so we will target on pu-erh tea, present you very details about origins, terroir, brewing skills, tasting&evaluation, and collection. 《中国茶艺(英文)微课》共有十五章,100集,每一集微课5分钟。整个系列包括了六大基本茶类。当然,身在普洱茶的家乡,我们会重点分享普洱茶部分,讲解普洱茶的原产地魅力,风土特点,冲泡技巧,品鉴艺术以及收藏辨识能力。 Chinese Tea Art Micro-course is the fruit of my 18 years’ study and passion in tea, the combination of the traditional Chinese culture and western thoughts, therefore, it is scientific and interesting, objective and creative, traditional and open-minded. It is a different way to study tea science, a unique perspective to learn tea art. 《中国茶艺(英文)微课》是我18年以来,倾注对茶的热情,融合中西传统文化和理念的结晶,所以,它科学严谨却又趣味生动,客观理性却又富有创造力,尊重传统而不保守。这将是一次用不同的方法去学习茶学,用不同的视角去修行茶艺。 For studying conveniently and flexibly, we are going to update the whole course one chapter by chapter, so you can choose the one you like the one you are interested in. 为了便于更方便和灵活的学习,我们将这个系列课程分阶段学习,大家可 根据您的兴趣单章选择,也可以选择全套学习。 Chapter One: Basic Introduction of Tea 茶叶基础理论 The Chinese Tea Art Micro-course will have 15 chapters and 100 lessons in total. What is tea? How to recognize it is a tea plant, and what does a tea tree look like? We all know that China is the origin of world tea, but how can we explain it correctly?Regarding different types of tea, do you know what is the classification in theory and practice? This is Mabol, don’t worry, we are going to figure out all in chapter one - General Introduction 《中国茶艺(英文)微课​》 中国茶艺(英文)微课一共有十五章,100节微课。什么是茶?如何识别茶树?茶树的形态是怎么样的?虽然我们都知道中国是世界茶的发源地,那又如何正确地解释这个事实呢?面对琳琅满目的茶叶,它们的分类理论与实际又是什么呢? 我是钟梅,别担心,我们都会从第一章概论中学习到。 Lesson 1 What is Tea 茶的正确表达 Lesson 2 The Three Necessary Characters of Tea Plants 茶树的三个必要特征 Lesson 3 The Morphology of Tea Trees茶树的形态学特征 Lesson 4 The Origin of Tea 茶树的起源 Lesson 5 Chinese Major Tea Areas in China​ 中国四大茶区 Lesson 6 Tea Classification in Theory and Practice 茶叶分类的理论与实际 Statement: All the contents are reserved at DiscoverCha(Yunnan) Cultural Communications Studio except for the named pictures, videos, and background music is reserved @OCB Relaxing music. All the contents shall be only used for the study who purchase these courses and shall not be used in any commercial events or training without any authority. 版权说明:本课程内容为钟梅及云南葡言茶语文化传播工作室所有(备注的图片、视频除外, 背景音乐版权归OCB Relaxing music),仅用于购买《茶艺英语微课》的茶友交流和暂时学习。未经授权,禁止任何个人和机构转载、复印和培训)
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              Home cooking of the USSR Recipes of the most popular dishes of Soviet cuisine Use this recipes and prepare a sweetness today. Moreover, it uses the simplest products that are now available in every kitchen! You will learn how to cook delicious food step by step , with detailed instructions. The recipe library is constantly updated. By purchasing this course you will get full access to all recipes and updates . At the moment the course includes the following recipes: • Chocolate sausage • Cottage cheese pudding • Cake Black Prince Are you wanting more? Then come on and join me! Get popular recipes of Soviet cuisine, thanks to which you can prepare interesting dishes from simple products.
                Creating simple, delicious and nutritious raw food dishes has never been easier. If you already know the power of eating whole raw organic foods, but need some guidance in learning how to prepare these healthy dishes. Then this is the course for you! In this course your going to learn how to create 40 gourmet raw food recipes. The recipes range from super simple to more advanced. You'll learn about infused waters and smoothies. Soups, salads, appetizers, main meals and of course desserts! As a bonus you get 3 full colour recipe books to download, making these delicious recipes, easy to recreate in your very own home kitchen. These recipes are especially exciting if your looking "to go" or already are vegetarian, vegan, dairy or gluten free. You'll also be happy to know that none of the recipes contain white sugar, highly processed ingredients or trans fats.
                  In this class we go in depth with one classic Persian dish: Baghali Polo ba Machiche - Persian Saffron Rice with Dill and Broad Beans served with Lamb Shanks. If you don't have access to broad beans, you can also prepare a variation of this dish, which uses fresh or frozen peas instead. This version of the rice dish is called Nokhod Polo. The class is broken down into small steps, that will help you not only how to master this tasty dish, but give you an idea of Persian cuisine in general. If you can prepare Baghali Polo, you automatically know how to make light and airy Persian saffron rice. In the class I show you all the tips and tricks for gorgeous fluffy rice, as well as golden crispy tahdig. Tahdig is the crispy part of the rice from the bottom of the pan. If you master the preparation of tahdig, you're already an expert at Persian cooking. I explain not only what to do, but also why we do different things, so that you understand Persian cuisine at a deeper level. Persian cuisine is full of flavour and well worth giving a go. Wether you already know this or are curious and want to try something new, this class is for you. It is created with all different cooking skill levels in mind. You don't need to be experienced in the kitchen to participate. I explain everything step by step and should you still have any questions, you can of course always reach out to me. I'm always happy to help.
                    Important mention: This tea course has covered accurate subtitles to help you understand deep tea knowledge very clear. Could drinking too much tea be dangerous to your health? How do you know which tea is good for you? In this special online course we will reveal the 3 dangers you must be careful of when drinking and purchasing tea. 1.Excessive tea consumption can be harmful to you and the environment, but here is how to regulate it. How much is too much? 2.Drinking tea the wrong way has been shown to have potentially damaging effects on peoples’ digestive systems, cause kidney stones, and even cause heart disease. 3.Millions of people are buying tea, fattening up the big tea companies' wallets, but the small tea artisans are suffering. Find out how you can change this and join a movement to help preserve the tea artisans saving a beautiful, traditional art. I came from inside the belly of the beast. I worked in the largest tea export company in Yunnan, which is the largest tea producing region in China. Working side by side with the biggest tea companies in the world, I saw how it really is. I woke up one day after meeting JT Hunter, my partner in our company Wild Tea Qi and The International Tea Academy. I shifted my life to working and studying to preserve the last tea artisans of China, biodiverse tea plantations, and the ancient Chinese culture of tea science for health and longevity. In this one-of-a-kind special online video course, you will discover the 3 Pillars of the Chinese Ancient Art and Science of Brewing Tea. The 5 elements of tea:  -How to use the 5 Elements to brew tea. Match your tea to emotions, organs, and more. Using the Chinese Acupuncture Clock to choose which tea and what time to drink your tea for optimal health. I will reveal the little known ancient water pouring methodology secrets to superior health and longevity. Many tea experts don't even know about this. I'm Shana Zhang, I designed this special course for those who have a deep true love for tea, people who are already tea experts, and those who want to take their tea knowledge to the next level. Join this special revolution and revival of the ancient art of tea. Once you completed 4 of our online courses, we have prepared world-class Milestone Level - ITA Certified Tea Sommelier Certification for you! In the #4 course, we have a quiz at the end, once your answers reach 60% points, you will pass our quiz, our system will release the certification for you automatically! Each certificate will release its own certification ID that no one can copy from you.